The Adriatic city of Pula in northwestern Croatia has won the world’s first Friend of the Sea Sustainable City Award.…
Presentations, debates, conferences, workshops, and culinary shows during Polfish kept the halls at the Exhibition and Congress Centre at Żaglowa Street in Gdańsk full of activity.…
The European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (EATiP) is one of 39 European Technology Platforms (ETPs),…
Through FAO, EUROFISH organised the process of the preparation (including peer review and translation) of the FAO flagship publication “The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA)”.…
EUROFISH initiated a study on consumption of fish and seafood in Croatia. The objective of the study is to conduct a survey for estimation of consumer habits and preferences of fish consumption in Croatia,…
ALMARS — Capacity building for Blue Growth and curriculum development for Marine
by EurofishThe project aims to enhance the marine fishery industry in Albania by implementing several tasks: The development of a new professional master’s degree in marine fishery that will meet market needs;… -
The conference covered topics such as the situation in the Polish fish processing sector and the activities of the PAFP for the development of the fish processing industry.…