July/August 2009 EM4 Country profiles: Denmark, Italy and Hungary Events: Polfish defines economic crisis Trade and Markets: Fishmeal and fishoil Species: Norwegian Cod and Abalone
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Thomas Jensen
January/February 2009 EM3 Country profiles: Sweden and Russia Aquaculture: Norwegian Cod Trade and Markets: Fish auctions Fairs: Good business in hard times Click on the right of the image below to skim through the pages or click on the image to zoom in.…
March/April 2009 EM2 Country profiles: Croatia and The Netherlands Fisheries: Antarctic Krill Trade and Markets: Tuna prices slowly recovering &…
January/February 2009 EM1 Country profiles: Faroe Islands, Italy, Estonia Aquaculture: Biofuels from aquatic resources Trade and Markets: The market for salmon in a time of uncertainty Species: Lobster from Canada Click on the right of the image below to skim through the pages or click on the image to zoom in.…