taking place in
Eurofish International Organisation in cooperation with the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is proud to host this fisheries and aquaculture conference on 25-26 September 2024 at the Madrid Marriott Auditorium Hotel & Conference Center in Madrid, Spain.
The conference aims to explore the potential within fisheries and aquaculture to adopt circular economy practices. The topics have been grouped into three sessions: Decarbonisation of the fishing fleet; Side- and waste streams within aquaculture; and Side- and waste streams within fisheries. Experts from several countries will address the audience offering new ideas, good practices, and solutions for the future. The conference will include participants from Spain and many other European countries, FAO, countries in the Black Sea region, the Caucasus, and Central Asia representing government institutions, civil society, private sector, and intergovernmental organisations.
Leading experts will discuss the latest developments in circular economy approaches for both fisheries and aquaculture
Questions can be addressed to the speakers following each presentation
Simultaneous interpretation
English - Spanish - English
Click to read a short bio.
Click on the titles for more information.
Moderators: Søren Espersen Schrøder & Marco Frederiksen, Eurofish
September 25, 2024
09:00-9:30 Registration
Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Spain
María Isabel Artime García, Secretary General for Fisheries
Eurofish International Organisation
Marco Frederiksen, Director
SESSION 1. Decarbonisation of the fishing fleet
Energy efficiency measures and alternative energy solutions for fishing vessels, EU research report for the parliament
Andreas Bach
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
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Spanish plans for decarbonisation of the fishing fleet
Alfonso Villares Bermúdez
Sea Councillor of the Xunta de Galicia, Spain
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Powering coastal fishing vessels with electricity and hydrogen in Norway
Nina Marie Thomsen
SINTEF Energy Research, Norway
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Decarbonisation of the European fishing fleet
Esben Sverdrup-Jensen
Danish Pelagic Producers Organisation (DPPO), Denmark
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Global transformation of the transport and fishing fleet towards alternative fuel
William Griffin
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
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13:00 Lunch
SESSION 2. Side- and waste streams within aquaculture
Market opportunities of seafood products from side- and waste streams
Francesca Barazzetta
Eurofish, Italy
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Development of more sustainable/efficient pond aquaculture systems
Bela Urbanyi
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hungary
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15:30 Coffee break and networking
Reduced weight loss, water usage, investments, and removal of geosmin by introducing skimmers and ozone in combination
Christian Unmack
Eurofish, Denmark
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LCA analyses on side-streams in the aquaculture sector
Richard Newton
University of Stirling, United Kingdom
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September 26, 2024
Current challenges of pond aquaculture water and sludge waste streams and potential ways forward
Remigiusz Panicz
West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Poland
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SESSION 3. Side- and waste streams within fisheries
Utilising side-streams in the Spanish processing sector
Juan Carlos Martín Fragueiro
Organización de productores de pesca del Puerto y Ría de Marín (OPROMAR), Spain
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New values from pelagic fish side streams
Ingrid Undeland
Chalmers University of technology, Sweden
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11:00 Coffee break and networking
Water efficiency in the fish transforming industry: schemes for the simultaneous recovery of valuable compounds and water reuse
Bruno Iñarra
AZTI, Spain
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Circular economy and waste management at Mercamadrid
Gonzalo Reguera Diaz de Teran
Mercamadrid, Spain
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13:00-14:00 Lunch
Madrid Marriott Auditorium Hotel & Conference Center
Avenida de Aragon No 400, Madrid, Spain, 28022
Tel: +34 91-400-4400
If you have not already registered for the event please do so by clicking on the button below.
− Registration is free and includes:
Eurofish International Organisation
HC Andersens Boulevard 44-46
1553 Copenhagen V
Tel. +45 33377755