Norway:  Cabinet reshuffle results in a new fisheries minister

by Eurofish
Marianne Sivertsen Næss

One of the world’s largest producers of farmed fish has a new fisheries minister following a reorganization of government. Norway’s Labor-Center coalition government has been in power since 2021 and since then has averaged one fisheries minister per year, as it frequently rearranges ministries across the board or replaces people who leave government for one reason or another. The latest appointee will have to learn on the job as she comes from a non-fisheries background, but she is committed to her new role. Marianne Sivertsen Næss takes over the job from Cecilie Myrseth, who has been appointed industry minister. The community’s marine resources must benefit the community. The government must pursue an active maritime policy, which ensures people safe and good jobs that we will live on in the future, Ms Næss said. A teacher and school principal before entering politics, she was elected mayor of Hammerfest municipality from 2019 to 2021. She then entered the Storting (Parliament) representing Finnmark and has since chaired the energy and environment committee until her new appointment. The minister of fisheries is responsible for implementing the government’s policy relating to fisheries, aquaculture, and seafood, as well as other policy areas relating to  coastal development and sea transport.


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