The EU’s most farmed freshwater species is rainbow trout

by Thomas Jensen

EUMOFA has published a new case study: “Portion trout in the EU”, focusing on the price structure along the supply chain in Germany, Italy, and Poland. Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is the main freshwater species farmed in the EU, both in terms of volume and value. Grown to a size of between 350 and 600 g, the fish is typically supplied to the market as whole fish or fillets. In 2019, EU 27 production of trout was 183,819 tonnes. The main EU Member States producing trout are France, Italy, and Denmark, accounting for 56% of EU production. World trout production has been increasing since 2015 (+21% in volume in the period 2015-2019) reaching 939,878 tonnes in 2019. The EU is the second-largest trout producer in the world, accounting for 20% of global production.

In 2020, the main EU sellers of portion trout were Denmark, Spain, and Poland, while the main EU destinations for this product were Germany, Poland, and France. The apparent consumption of trout in the EU 27 was 208,657 tonnes in 2018. Over four fifths of supply was sourced from EU production and 17% from imports. In Germany, the ex-farm prices for portion trout ranged from 4,37 EUR/kg to 7,79 EUR/kg (2019) with a final price of 10,41 EUR/kg (observed in small-scale retail shops). In Italy, the average ex-farm price for fresh portion trout was 3,30 EUR/kg (2021) and the retail price considered in the analysis was 9,90 EUR/kg for large-scale retailers (from 7,90 to 9,90 EUR/kg at retail stage based on a store check). In Poland, the ex-farm price considered is 2,62 EUR/kg (2020) and the report provides two price transmission analyses: packed product in large-scale retailers (final price at 5,79 EUR/kg) and unpacked product in traditional shops (final price at 5,82 EUR/kg).


Read the full report in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, or Polish on the website.

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