by Thomas Jensen

The European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture Products

EUMOFA – is an online tool for the European Union (EU) fisheries and aquaculture sector, which aims at increasing market transparency and efficiency, and at analysing EU markets dynamics. The market intelligence provided by EUMOFA is useful for all stakeholders involved in the fisheries sector: producers, processors, importers, retailers, consumers, market analysts and policy makers.


EUROFISH has been involved in every step of the project, from the conceptual design of the Observatory in 2010 to the practical implementation. EUROFISH is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Data collection and processing including harmonisation of various nomenclatures
  • Market analysis including preparation of a monthly publication “EUMOFA Monthly Highlights” (11 issues per year), an EC publication which monitors and analyses first sales, import–export and consumption of fish and seafood data in the EU.
  • Dissemination and communication activities – including preparation of the content and circulation of the newsletters for each new release of the EUMOFA Monthly Highlights issue, the annual report “EU Fish Market”, and 3 new case studies on: Plaice in the Netherlands, Fresh carp in Central Europe and Herring preserved in glass jars in Sweden.
  • Study on EU consumers’ habits – carrying out interviews with the large- scale retailers on purchase of fisheries and aquaculture products in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania, analysis of the Eurobarometer survey on consumer habits and perceptions in all 28 MS, Identification and mapping of the national promotional campaigns in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania, coordination between consortium partners and production of the report on national promotional campaigns in all 28 MS.
  • Study on organic aquaculture – data were collected on organic aquaculture facilities in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania with identification of the species and volumes farmed, main producers and price trends.

For more information please visit the officical EUMOFA website on

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