Eurofish is part of the FISH INFOnetwork of fish marketing and information services. The network was created in late 1970’s by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations) and includes:
• GLOBEFISH (Italy) – GLOBEFISH is the unit within the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department responsible for information and analysis of international fish trade and markets in Rome and is the coordinator of the FISH INFOnetwork
• INFOPECHE (Cote d’Ivoire) – Infopeche is the African Fisheries Information service and works from the office in Cote d’Ivoire.
• INFOSA (Namibia) – The information service for Southern Africa is a sub-office of INFOPECHE in Namibia covering the SADC region.
• INFOPESCA (Uruguay) – Infopesca based in Uruguay concentrates on the fisheries in Latin America.
• INFOFISH (Malaysia) – Infofish covers Asia and the Pacific from its Headquarters in Malaysia.
• INFOSAMAK (Morocco) – Infosamak, based in Morocco, provides information and assistance to the Arab speaking countries.
• INFOYU (China) – Infoyu is the Chinese member of the FISH INFOnetwork with its base in Beijing.
Created to assist the fishery sector particularly in developing countries and countries in transition, the network provides services to private industry and to governments. It is also widely known for its range of publications and periodicals as well as for the organisation of international conferences, workshops and training seminars.
For more information on the FISH INFOnetwork and its activities please visit the FISH INFOnetwork page on the Globefish website.