Eurofish to hold its annual governing council at the end of January

by Thomas Jensen
Governing Council meeting participant in 2024

The governing council is the annual meeting of the Eurofish member country representatives to review the organisation’s activities of the previous year and to approve the draft programme of work for the year to come. The interim financial report for last year (2024) will also be reviewed and the proposed budget for 2025 will be presented for comments and ultimately for approval. The heavy official business will be lightened with two presentations by speakers from within and outside the organisation. The Eurofish member countries are from across Europe and have correspondingly different capture fishing and fish farming activities. The topics for the presentations must be selected carefully to ensure their relevance for all. One of the topics to be presented is about side streams from the seafood processing sector and how best to valorise them. This should strike a chord with all the member country representatives. The meeting, which is also an opportunity for Eurofish to network with the representatives as well as for them to interact with their counterparts in the other countries, will be held at the Eurofish office in Copenhagen and will last one-and-a-half days on 30 and 31 January.

If you have not already indicated participation, you can do so by contacting before January 9, 2025.


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