AquaFarm 2025, 12-13 February 2025, Pordenone, Italy

by Eurofish
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AquaFarm, the international conference & trade show focused on aquaculture and the sustainable fishing industry, is scheduled for 12-13 February 2025 at Pordenone Exhibition Centre. Two previously separate events, NovelFarm and AlgaeFarm, will join this year on the same days and at the same venue. The two events cover, respectively, controlled environment agriculture, and the cultivation of algae and other microorganisms.

The decision to bring together the three events dedicated to innovation in sustainable food production comes from the increasingly strong synergy between the three sectors. Aquaculture and hydroponics are closely linked to aquaponics—the cultivation and breeding of fish and plants in the same controlled environment. Aquaponics can also include molluscs, algae, and mushrooms, and it involves building artificial ecosystems where the waste from one species provides nourishment for another, ensuring high food productivity. Fish and algae farming are also increasingly synergetic: just consider the importance of microalgae in the formulation of fish feed, which has zero impact on ocean resources.

Attendees of AquaFarm have an opportunity to explore the latest advancements in aquaculture technology, sustainability practices, and industry innovations.

Changes in the environment are a growing threat

Environmental change is a common thread that will run across the entire trade show. For aquaculture and shellfish farming, the modification of aquatic habitats due to climate change, human pollution, and the intrusion of new species brought by sea trade, has already made significant impacts on the Mediterranean. These changes include serious losses in the production of shellfish, especially clams, due to the blue crab invasion; and difficulties related to the cultivation of mussels due to high water temperatures in the summer. Farmers, suppliers, and researchers are engaged in a collective effort to mitigate these challenges.


Cultivated algae offer a promising response to environmental changes, enabling the direct production of proteins, fats (such as Omega-3s), and other valuable compounds without the need to rely on higher food chain sources typically derived from the ocean. This approach reduces environmental impact and increases efficiency in meeting global nutritional demands.

Technology, food security, the reduction of plastics… and AI

However, not everything will be focused on climate change during the eighth edition of AquaFarm. Fish and shellfish farming guarantee a good, healthy, more controlled environment, as well as a shorter food chain for the species raised locally. Microalgae provide a cost-effective alternative to traditional sources of active ingredients, such as antioxidants and other valuable compounds, for the pharmaceutical, food, and fine chemical industries.

Over the course of this two-day event, farmers, suppliers, researchers, and industry professionals will gather to discuss key topics such as research and innovation, renewable energy, animal welfare, advanced nutrition technologies, and the reduction of plastic pollution. The comprehensive conference program will be complemented by a large international exhibition area. A central theme will be the application of artificial intelligence and autonomous robotics across various fields, from managing breeding and cultivation environments to genetic improvement. The university area will once again feature an extensive space for scientific poster displays. Lastly, the show’s cooking arena will offer attendees a chance to sample the finest Italian seafood products.

Participation is free upon online registration at

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